Friday, June 13, 2014


A collective image of some books, written, translated or edited by Asef Fekrat

Gozidaye ghazalhaa-ye Amir Khesraw
An Anthology of Amir Khoraw’s Odes
By M. Asef fekrat
Kabul, Baihaqi publishing center, 1974

Abdullh Ansari of Herat
Prayers and Sayings
Compiled by M.  Asef Fekrat
Kabul, Baihaqi, 1976

A Vocabulary of Spoken Herati
Author: M. Asef Fekrat
With an Introduction by Ravan Farhadi,
Kabul, Baihaqi, 1976

The Versifier of Tareeq-ul-tahqeeq
By Bo Utas
Translated by M. Asef Fekrat
Kabul Historical Society, 1976

An Introduction to Shi’a’s Law
Author: Prof. S. Hussein Modarressi Tabatabai
Translator: Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Astan-Quds, Islamic Researches foundation, 1979

A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the Holy Qur’an in Tranlation
Preserved in the Library of Astan-I Quds-I Razavi
Compiled by M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Astan Quds Central Library, 1985

An Alphabetical Hand-list of the Manuscripts
In the Astan Quds Razvi Central Library
By Mohammad Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Astan Quds Razavi
Central Library, 1988

Gozaaresh e Safaarat e Kabul
( An account of the legation  to Kabul, by Abulhasan Qandahari (1286 H.))
Author: Abulhasan Qandahari
Editor: Asef Fekrat
Tehran, Dr. Mahmood Afshar Foundation,1989

Ain-ul-waqaayi’ ( A History of Afghanistan during  1792-1906)
Author: M. Yosof Riyazi Harawi
Editor: Asef Fekrat
Tehran, Dr. Mahmood Afshar Foundation, 1990

Kursi-nasheenan-e Kabul
(Statesmen during the reign of Amir Amanullah )
Tehran, Cutural Research and Studies, 1991

Akaam-ul-Marjaan fi Zekr e Madaa’in-e Mashhoora fi Kull-e Makaan
(an account of the world famous cities, from 10th century)
Author: Ishaq bin Hussein Monajjim
Translator from Arabic: M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Cultural deputyship of Astan-Quds Razavi, 1991

Ain-ul-waqaayi’ ( A History of Iran during  1817-1906)
Author: M. Yosof Riyazi Harawi
Editor: Asef Fekrat
Tehran, 1993

World Bibliography of Translations of The meaning of The Holy Qur’an Printed Translations(1515-1980)
Prepared by Ismat Binark – Halit Eren
Translated and Edited by Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Islamic Research foundations, Astan-Quds Razavi, 1995

Musannafat-I Shi’a
A Resume of Shaykh Aqa Buzurg  Tehrani’s
Al-Dhari’a ila Tasanif al-Shi’a
Summarized and Translated by
Mohammad Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Islamic Research Foundation, Astan-Quds- Razavi
(first Vol.): 1994
Vol.d2: 1994
Vol. 3: 1995
Vol. 4: 1995
Vol. 5: 1997
Vol. 6: 1997

An Account of Kingdom of Kabul
By Mountstuart Elphinstone
Translate by M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad,  Islamic researches  Foundation, Astan-Quds- Razavi, 1997, repeatedly printed.

Farsi-ye – Harawi
Oral language of Herat
Author: M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Ferdowsi University, 1997

A Glossary to Homoglot
By M. Asef Fekrat
Tehran, Persian Academy, 1998

Kufic Script
Author: M. Asef Fekrat
Tehran, Kian- Ketab, 1998

 Nakhat-e Khaak e Rah e yaar
( Sweet smell of the dust of the sweetheart’s way)
A collection of poems by Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Afghan women’s Islamic Movement, 2000

The Afghan Connection
The extraordinary adventures of Eldred Pottinger
(Persian name: First nail on imperialism coffin)
Author: Gorge Pottinger
Translated by M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Center for Khorasan Studies,2000

Naseem e Shaidaayee
 ( The breeze of Shaidaayee )
Collection of Poems by Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, 2001

Ikhlas –e Amal
(A collection of Imam Ali’ Words’ Translated to Farsi with a Versified Description)
By M. Asef Fekrat
Mashhad,  Astam-Quds Islamic researches foundation, 2001

An Anthology of Pashto Landai (a literary genre)
Selector and translator: Asef Fekrat
Mashhad, Hashtom publishers, 2002

Piraasta-ye Taarikhnaama-ye Herat
(An Edited History of Herat)
Author: Saifi Herawi
Editor: M. Asef Fekrat
Tehran, 2002

Abdullh Ansari of Herat
Prayers and Sayings
Compiled by M.  Asef Fekrat
Reprinted by Farid  Moradi
Tehran, Thaleth, 2007

Hekmat in Asian Suisse
(Hekmat in Afghanistan)
An account of Ali Asghar Hekmat’s Travel to Afghanistan
Digitally published

Under the print:
Historical Notes by Monshi Mohammad Azim

Some unaccomplished Projects:

An Anthology of Beedil Odes
With a preface by late Ustad Bashir Herawi, While being  its last proofs read, the change in government and conditions in Kabul left it unpublished like many other works.

Ethics and Morality in Shahnama
While the book was ready to be printed, I learned the a book in the same subject was under the print in Iran. Later the change of the government and system in Kabul lead to loss of the only copy of the book.

A Vocabulary of the Jami’s Poetry
The book was compiled, as an assigned duty, during the author’s career in the Afghan Academy of Sciences in Kabul. The copy of the book was submitted to the department of Farsi Language and Literature.

Behind the Gate of India
The book was compiled on Herat and it’s two last century’s wars. It was compiled according to an agreement between the Author and the Islamic researches foundation. The work on its publishing and printing was going on, but it stopped and discontinued. Even I could not have a copy of the book.