Aboo Sa’id Abulkhair great mystic of Khorasan (370 – 440 AH/ 992-1062 AD ) was sitting with his followers, while one of them was citing Persian poem. The man cited this verse aloud:
I will hide inside my words
To kiss your lips
When you read my ode
Aboo Sa’id was excited and asked whose poem was? The man said: Emara Marwzi was the poet. Emara”s tomb was in Mahana, where Aboo Sa’id lived. Aboo Sa’id said: God bless Emara. He rose, asking his followers: Let us go to Emara’s tomb for a pilgrimage.
This is the Emara’s Persian verse:
I will hide inside my words
To kiss your lips
When you read my ode
Aboo Sa’id was excited and asked whose poem was? The man said: Emara Marwzi was the poet. Emara”s tomb was in Mahana, where Aboo Sa’id lived. Aboo Sa’id said: God bless Emara. He rose, asking his followers: Let us go to Emara’s tomb for a pilgrimage.
This is the Emara’s Persian verse: